Launchpad 95 Version 1.0 Copyright (C) 1995 Prasad Thammineni All Rights Reserved This file describes how to use Launchpad 95. The following features are discussed here: PROPERTIES Folder Association Alignment Autohide Attribute Drag and Drop Number of characters in name SCROLLING SIZING TOOLTIPS FEATURES TO BE ADDED IN THE NEXT VERSION Launchpad 95 lets you launch applications at the click of a button. The object menu of the objects in the Launchpad can be accessed by right clicking on the button representing the object. PROPERTIES: =========== Select Properties option from the Launchpad object menu to display the properties dialog box. Folder Association: Folder association can be performed in two different ways. 1. Drag and drop a folder into the launchpad for associating that folder with the launchpad. 2. Right click on the launchpad to display the launchpad menu. Select Properties menu option to display the properties dialog box. The properties dialog box displays all the folders on the desktop including the subfolders within these folders as a tree. Select a folder or subfolder to associate with the launchpad. When you close the dialog box the launchpad would display all the objects within the associated folder in the launchpad. Alignment: Launchpad can be aligned on any one of the four sides of the desktop. The launchpad can be aligned either by selecting the side from the object menu or selecting the side in the properties dialog box. Autohide Attribute: You can set the the Autohide attribute of the launchpad. When this attribute is set the launchpad is hidden on the side of the display it was when you set this attribute. To see the launchpad move the mouse cursor to that side where the launchpad is hidden. Number of characters in name: You can specify the number of characters of the longname you want to be displayed in the button. The number of characters can range from 0 to 128. SCROLLING: ========= If the number of objects in the associated folder exceed the predefined width or height scroll bars appear so that you can scroll to view the rest of the buttons. If the launchpad is left or right aligned, a horizontal scroll bar is shown and you can scroll only horizontally. If the launchpad is top or bottom aligned, a vertical scroll bar is shown and you can scroll only vertically. SIZING: ========= You can size the launchpad to suit your liking. Accordingly, the number of buttons shown in the launchpad increases or decreases. TOOLTIPS: ========= The Long Name of an object in the Launchpad is displayed as a tooltip. To view the tooltip of an object click on the launchpad to make it active and move the mouse pointer on to the button representing the object. Tooltips provide an easy mechanism to find out what button represents what object until you are familiar with the icons in the buttons. Another way to get to know the buttons is to have the Name displayed in the buttons. But this may result in occupying a significant portion of the desktop depending on the number of buttons in the Launchpad. FEATURES TO BE ADDED IN THE NEXT VERSION: ========================================= The next version is in the works now. Some of the features you may see in the next version are: * Your suggestions * Multiple folder associations * Start Menu Button of the Windows 95 Task Bar * Active Windows List * Active process list with Process control - terminate etc. * Ability to explore folders in the launchpad either as menus or as list views/icon views easily. If you have any questions or comments send mail to CIS: 102706,3167 / Internet: ###